Who i am

My name is Audrey Baldwin. I am a professional soccer goalkeeper of 8 years, lived and played in 10 different countries, coached boys and girls of all ages, a personal fitness trainer, and have a masters degree is Sport and Exercise Psychology from the University of Western States. I started playing sports when I was very young, and through all of my experiences, I learned there was one thing missing...mental support. While I had some coaches here and there, and a supportive family and friends that helped me through, I was never taught how to cope with the ups and downs of the game. I had to figure it out myself, which is why many athletes will leave sport...because they can't figure it out. I want to be that person that helps, guides, and teaches the mental game and how it impacts not only on the field performance, but our entire lives. We are more than just the physical. We are the mental, the emotional, the tactical, and the tough.


  • MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology , University of Western States

  • BS Kinesiology, Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi

  • ABA Business Administration, Harford Community College

Let’s Begin