1:1 Mental Performance Coaching


For 4 months we will work together to establish a healthy identity, values, create goals, create plans, and create a tool box of mental skills that you can use to help you gain confidence, push your limits, and enjoy being your best self in and out of sport. This is HIGHLY individualized and YOU have the power.

Every month • For 4 payments
I'm Ready!

For 4 months we will work together to establish a healthy identity, values, create goals, create plans, and create a tool box of mental skills that you can use to help you gain confidence, push your limits, and enjoy being your best self in and out of sport. This is HIGHLY individualized and YOU have the power.

For 4 months we will work together to establish a healthy identity, values, create goals, create plans, and create a tool box of mental skills that you can use to help you gain confidence, push your limits, and enjoy being your best self in and out of sport. This is HIGHLY individualized and YOU have the power.

You will also receive a google doc with all notes from our sessions and visuals or templates we discuss together! You can text me any time when things come up, etc.